Warm, loving, and fun child care in Nowra, NSW

Call us today on (02) 4422 5334

Seeking Passionate Educators to Join Our Team

Are you looking for a positive, happy and welcoming early childhood education service to work in?

At Arwons Little Angels we are looking for high quality early childhood professionals to join our team.

If you believe you would be the right fit for this position and hold or are actively working toward the necessary qualifications required to start now full-time, part-time, or casual, send us your resume and cover letter to: or Alternatively, please call Cathryn directly on 0405 247 400


Now enrolling for 2025! Enquire today.

Child Care Subsidy Approved Service.

Welcome to

Arwon’s Little Angels Child Care Centre.

Awarded top score in rigourous 50 point inspection.


Arwons Little Angels child care is located at 57 St Anne Street Nowra.

We welcome all ages from 0-6 years , all our children are welcomed with a free t-shirt and hat for new arrivals. We have 12 car spaces to park in with a disabled car park and ramp at the front of the buildings and a ramp to the beautiful back yard.

The buildings are open plan living with an extension joining the two homes together giving a wonderful homely atmosphere and surrounded by a great veranda for open air healthy play. We have a big back yard with all the fun things kids love.

A big Fort play centre with slippery dip, climbing ladders and ropes, theatrical stage, bike tracks, A tepee to explore, sand pits, two veggie gardens, a big bird aviary with our resident budgies, lizard, fish and much more.

Our preferred Charity is the Guide Dogs Australia - Arwon's sponsors two guide dogs. The Nowra animal park visits every month a great hit with the children ,mums dads and grandparents alike, we see the need to educate all children on our beautiful animals and wild life world wide.

We All Loved Grandma

57 St Anne Street was where Cathryn our owner was born and lived ( Grandma by name )

The rooms will be referred to throughout the centre as Grandma's place. It was here we grew up in our family home. The name was inspired by my little grandson Blair who one day said Grandma you are so good to kids and animals why don’t you turn your homes into a child care centre? And from there on history was made.

Arwon's Little Angels We are a short walk to town in a lovely leafy safe location at the top of the town protected from fires or flooding, easy parking safe access, beautiful large back yard and beautiful up to date modern amenities.

Meals – History has shown us mums prefer to pack their own kids lunches so for allergy reasons we decided to put the money into more fun days with the animal parks and toys and let mum be assured her little one loves what mum packs for them .

However Mum! we do supply the best ever fruit platters for morning tea , nappies , ice blocks for summer days , sun screen and the best party days at Christmas ! graduation days are the best ever at Arwon’s you won’t ever want to miss this that’s for sure !.

Our staff want to give the children as much time as they can so we keep them out of the kitchen except for fun cooking days !.

At Arwon’s Little Angels Child Care Nowra the kids will enjoy:

  • The family atmosphere
  • lots of rooms to play
  • The best back yard ever!
  • Exploring the best equipment, games and toys on the market
  • Educational toys for advanced learning and fun things to do as well
  • lots of before school learning cupped with fun days at play.

Dress up days and pantomimes will be a big feature of our centre. There is fireman, policeman, fisherman and animal welfare instructors giving talks from time to time.

Every day is a special day at Arwon's Little Angels Nowra, our staff are handpicked by myself and our well known supervisor Lesley Verdon. You will get to know all the staff here. And love them all. All our staff are handpicked , highly educated for your child’s best learning before big school.